At Gentle Dental, our entire team is dedicated to providing you with the best tooth replacement option for your smile.
We realize that finding the right solution for your missing teeth is a momentous task. That’s why it’s a good idea to learn as much as you can about all the alternatives tooth-replacement technologies before you make your final decision.
Dental Bridges
Dental bridges are artificial porcelain crowns anchored to your mouth by attaching them to the healthy teeth on both ends of the gap.
Dental bridges tend to last between 5 and 15 years and they are relatively easy to install. And because dental bridges are not removable like dentures, you never need to take them out for cleaning.
Despite this, they do put a lot of strain on the natural teeth that anchor the bridge in place. Sometimes this leads to loose and decayed teeth. Bridges also don’t keep your jawbone from disintegrating, meaning you’ll likely lose more teeth.
The Consequences of Denture Use
Dentures are one of the oldest and most common remedies for missing teeth. But dentures come with a several negative side effects, including:
- Distortion of the face
- Pain when chewing
- Increased incidents tooth loss due to gum disease
- Reduced nutritional intake
- Unpleasant-tasting adhesives
- Increased depletion of the jawbone
Over time, wearing dentures can be very painful, especially as they become loose and fit incorrectly. This makes chewing uncomfortable and even painful, causing denture-wearers to avoid healthy foods or to swallow without completely chewing their food. In the long-run, this has a negative effect on patient’s health as they are missing out on important nutrients.
Dental Implants–a Reliable, Long-Lasting Solution
Dental implants are simply the best tooth-replacement technology available. Consider all the advantages dental implants have to offer:
- Simple to care for and maintain
- Protect against further tooth loss
- Indistinguishable from your natural teeth
- Protect jawbone from deterioration
- Retain the natural shape of your face
- You can speak without difficulty
- Protect against gum disease
- Eat what you want to eat
- Can last a lifetime with proper care
The Safest, Longest-Lasting, and Most Convenient Solution
Dental implants are clearly the safest, longest lasting, and most convenient way to replace your missing teeth. Dentures and dental bridges will increase the likelihood that you will suffer from pain, gum disease, tooth decay, and even the loss of additional teeth. Dental implants are the only solution that actively counteracts these negative consequences
Finds out What Dental Implants Can Do for You
Of all the additional benefits you get with dental implants, your new peace of mind might just be the most important. You don’t have to worry about the long-term health of your smile and you won’t have to learn any complicated new procedures for taking care of them. Just take care of them the way you take care of your natural teeth and keep on visiting Dr. Anderson’s office for your regular check-ups.
Contact Dr. Anderson and his amazing team of dental health professionals at Gentle Dental in Gunnison to find out if dental implants are the right solution for you? )